Free Scripture

Christ the king will come to judge this world. Guard my writings, so that they will be handed to him: my great Gospel from A to Ω and the Treasure of Life and all the Psalms and the Book of Mysteries, The Epistles, and the exalted Pragmateia, and the Book of Giants treasure all of them they shall bring much peace. SHB 56:26

The Living Gospel

The Living Gospel is a central Manichaean scripture written by Mani, presenting his teachings on the cosmic struggle between Light and Darkness, the path to liberating the soul, and the importance of spiritual knowledge. Thought to be lost we now have many fragments and ongoing developments with His holy Gospel.

The Book of Epistles

The Book of Epistles is a collection of Mani’s letters addressing his followers, providing guidance on spiritual teachings, ethical conduct, and the organization of the Manichaean community. Incidentally, it is also one of the more complete books by Mani we have today.

The Pragmateia

The Pragmateia is one of Mani’s foundational works, offering a systematic exposition of Manichaean doctrine and cosmology. It delves into the origins of Light and Darkness, the creation of the material world, and the divine plan for the liberation of light. It is an excellent starting place for a novice in the faith.
